I'm an Assistant Professor of Philosophy (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the University of Siegen (Theoretical Philosophy), Germany, affiliated with the Kant Zentrum NRW (Kant and Cognitive Science). My main areas of interest are Kant's philosophy and Islamic philosophy and theology, especially the ʾAšʿarite  school and al-Ġazzālī, but I also have interests in philosophy of mind and cognitive science and epistemology.

I am the editor of the Philpapers category al-Ġazālī, and you can also find me here and here. Here and here you can also find two short videos about Kant's philosophy. 

In my spare time I mostly watch birds and read about them. Here you can find a story about my birding in Siegen. 


Mahdi Ranaee

Universität Siegen

AR-IF 206

Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2

57076 Siegen


Email: mahdi.ranaee [at] uni-siegen [dot] de